Past and Present

"Castello di Gabiano", situated in the Piedmont Region of north-west of Italy, boasts more than a century of history.
In the 8th century, the document signed by Carlo Magno already testify the presence of a "Cortem magnam nominam Gabianam".
In the remote 1164, Federico I granted the investiture to the Marquis Guglielmo II of Monferrato.

From this time the Castello di Gabiano was an important strategic and economic place, theatre of wars,
passing over to the Montiglio, the Paleologo and the Gonzaga until the duke Ferdinando gave it to Agostino Durazzo Pallavicini
in the year 1622, granting him the title of Marquis of Gabiano.

Today Giacomo Cattaneo Adorno, the last Marquis of Gabiano,together with his wife Emanuela, passionate and determined, directly engaged in an intensive wine production, are above all committed to capture theflavors and aromas of the terroir. In this way they can assure the wine making tradition of the family, updated with the current oenology knowledge.
